The tenth installment of the “Fast & Furious” saga, titled simply “Fast X” for now, is due out in May 2023 and we haven’t seen a sad preview yet, but that’s about to change. According to its top representative, Vin Diesel, in less than two months the first trailer will be here. That means we’ll probably see it alongside “Vicious Bear” or maybe “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” or “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” the big three releases between now and February.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel)
“Production stills…brother sister. Less than 2 months to ‘Fast X’ trailer release! Toretto.”
“Fast X” is the first of two films intended to give a grand finale to the saga, not the franchise, which we hope will continue with a sequel to “Hobbs & Shaw” or a female spin-off. In any case, this installment is directed by Louis Leterrier (“Now You See Me”) and along with Diesel complete the cast and seniority Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Helen Mirren, Scott Eastwood and Charlize Theron; and are joined by Michael Rooker, who previously had a cameo in the ninth film, Brie Larson and Jason Momoa. What won’t be is Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs, at least in the main saga.
Much money
The film was originally going to be directed by Justin Lin, who left after four days of shooting, although he remained as producer. Everything points to Lin allegedly decided to leave due to Vin Diesel’s behavior on set and that this change would cost Universal at least a million dollars a day until Leterrier took over. And even so, what Lin is not to blame is that “Fast & Furious 10” is about to become one of the most expensive films in history, since the salary of the cast has also been increased and global inflation has to be taken into account and the increase in safety measures after COVID. According to The Wrap, in February the budget was already around $340 million compared to the $200 million that the ninth cost. ‘Fast X’ will be released in theaters on May 19, 2023.
Source: E Cartelera
Bernice Bonaparte is an author and entertainment journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for pop culture and a talent for staying up-to-date on the latest entertainment news, Bernice has become a trusted source for information on the entertainment industry.