
Oscar producer Will Packer talks about the onstage altercation between Will Smith and Chris Rock: “This was a very painful moment for me.”

Oscar producer Will Packer switched his tune from Will Smith to Chris Rock at last night’s ceremony for a shocking slap in the face.

“Packer initially responded to the incident on Twitter.”Well … I said it wouldn’t be boring #Oscar “.

The comment sparked much criticism, with one Twitter user replying: “Jokes about attacking your program aren’t the congratulatory message you think.

Packer responded to that particular comment on Tuesday afternoon. “Black people have a laughing spirit when it comes to pain, because it was too much. “I don’t feel the need to find out,” he wrote. “But I don’t even care about transparency and I have to say it was a very painful time for me. Multilevel. “

Rock provoked Smith’s outrage during the Best Documentary Award nomination by joking at the expense of his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. “Jada, I love you. gi-jane 2“I really want to see her,” the comedian said, referring to Pinkett Smith’s appearance. Will Smith seemed to laugh after Rock’s comment. But then he shocked the audience by rushing to the Dolby stage and slapping Rock in the face.

“Wow,” Rock said later. “Will Smith just got me mad.” There was commotion in Smith’s comments when he returned to his place, but it was obvious that he had said to Rock, “Take my wife’s name out of your king’s mouth.”

“Wow, brother. This was gi jane “A joke,” Rock replied. “Don’t read my wife’s name,” Smith repeated as the audience fell silent.

Pinkett Smith’s appearance is the result of alopecia, an autoimmune disease he has publicly fought against causing hair loss by attacking hair follicles. While many initially wondered if this moment was being staged, it quickly became clear that it was all very real, and Smith later spoke about the situation in his receiver’s speech as he applied for the Best Actor award at Warner Bros. for his role. sports theater, King Richard.

“I want to apologize to the academy; “I want to apologize to all my candidates,” she said with tears in her eyes. “I hope the academy invites me to return.” It should be noted that Smith did not apologize to Rock on stage.

While Deadline can confirm that Rock has refused to file a police complaint against Smith, he has up to six months to do so if he wishes. If sued, Smith would be charged with assault, he could face up to six months in jail, with a fine of up to $ 100,000. Following the incident, the academy released a statement stating that he “does not condone any kind of violence”.

The 94th Academy Awards were presented by Wanda Skies, Regina Hall and Amy Schumer. Packer’s tweets can be found below.

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Source: Deadline

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