Only those who grew up in the ’90s will remember these 10 comedies (and we’re not talking about Home Alone)

Only those who grew up in the ’90s will remember these 10 comedies (and we’re not talking about Home Alone)

They have long been part of our cultural code.

Comedies from the 90s are a whole new (though, to be precise, old) world, full of surprises, both for those who are just discovering it and for those who grew up in it. But remembering “Home Alone” with ease is too easy a task for a true cinephile, right? After all, this is a timeless film that, although a product of the 90s, is known even to zoomers.

But the 10 comedies we have collected for you today will not be so easy to recognize if you were not an adult at the time and were not sitting in front of the TV waiting for your favorite programs. If you were born after 2000 and recognize all these films, then you are a true connoisseur of 90s cinema.

Only those who grew up in the ’90s will remember these 10 comedies (and we’re not talking about Home Alone)

Our selection is useful for those who believe that comedies of the 90s are the pinnacle of humor, but have already seen all the popular films. For example, the film “Muse”, directed by Albert Brooks (he also wrote the script and played the main role). Today this is a rather niche comedy, which for a modern viewer may even seem a bit archaic.

Nevertheless, “The Muse” once received much praise: the famous American film critic Roger Ebert, for example, called it “a clever and funny satire of Hollywood”. If you are willing to ignore the somewhat old-fashioned portrayal of female characters, and instead enjoy a good satire on the creative torment of screenwriters, then “The Muse” will certainly appeal to you.

Source: Popcorn News

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