The Harry Potter series has been given a tentative release date

The Harry Potter series has been given a tentative release date

The Harry Potter series has been given a tentative release date

Production is expected to begin very soon.

The Harry Potter reboot, now in the form of a series, was only in the discussion phase for a long time, but now it seems that things have finally moved forward. Most recently, HBO, which is developing the future show, officially opened casting for the roles of the famous trinity – Harry, Ron and Hermione – and then lifted the veil a little on its plans for the start of the filming process – and apparently the team will be working full-time in the near future.

As HBO CEO Casey Bloys said in a recent interview, rumors that the series will begin filming in March next year are unconfirmed. According to him, company representatives were probably talking about the lead actors’ ages in March 2025. .

The Harry Potter series has been given a tentative release date

However, production will actually begin in the spring of next year — given that, while Bloys continued to share details, he did admit that the team expects to release the first season in late 2026 or early 2027. He also added that the writers started writing the season fairly recently, meaning it’s too early to confirm a specific premiere date.

HBO announced a TV project based on the Harry Potter universe in April of last year — more than a decade after the film franchise’s final installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, was released. The company plans to release multiple seasons, each corresponding to a specific book in the series.

Source: Popcorn News

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