
Lily would have admired: not everyone saw the young Severus Snape from Harry Potter

Lily would have admired: not everyone saw the young Severus Snape from Harry Potter

These rare photos have long been covered in dust.

The first fame came to British actor Alan Rickman after filming in the movie “Die Hard” with Bruce Willis. The tape was released in 1988, when Rickman was already 42 years old, so hardly anyone remembers him young.

Frame from the movie “Die Hard”

The main role of Alan’s whole life was the character of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, but even there the actor was old. In the frames that take us back to Severus’ past with his beloved Lily Potter, either computer rejuvenation was applied to him or a younger actor was hired.

In fact, in his youth, the artist did not say that he looked much different, except that he was without wrinkles. A modest smile and a prominent nose have always been the highlight of the actor.

Images from the films “Thérèse Raquin” and “BBC: Romeo and Juliet”

Alan Rickman passed away in 2016 at the age of 70. By the way, although he often had to play gloomy characters, in life he was a very smiling person. The photo below was taken a year before he passed away.

Legion Media

Photo source: Still from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Author: Alexandra Ponomarenko

Source: Popcorn News

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