
Acne: These are the most effective active ingredients for oily skin and pimples

Experts from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology explain: acne is a common process, visible and unaesthetic affecting age groups where body image is essential to achieve a good quality of life. “Often the specialist does not take into account the psychological consequences it causes in the patient, which means that insufficient rapid and effective treatments are provided,” they note.

according to the pharmacist Dew Escalante, owner of Arbosana Farmacia, “acne affects all skin types, not only mixed and oily, because of the moisture that develops in the mask, but also due to friction and occlusion.” To improve it, the expert recommends “changing the mask more often, cleansing the skin with mild products and including sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic active ingredients… in the routine.”

The expert tells us what they are the most effective means to improve acne:

  • Sebum regulators: Acne is related to a large amount of sebum, so we should choose cosmetics with sebum-regulating active ingredients that help reduce excess sebum. For example, salicylic acid, niacinamide, azelaic acid or retinol.
  • Keratolytics: Acne is also related to the clogging of the pores and for this it is important to include active ingredients that help eliminate dead cells, which promotes cell renewal. Among them, we can highlight glycolic acid.
  • Antibacterial: Acne is caused by the bacteria C acnes, so cosmetics should contain antibacterial ingredients such as tea tree oil, bakuchiol or triclosan.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Sometimes acne is accompanied by an inflammatory process that can make it worse. It is also interesting that the products contain anti-inflammatory active ingredients such as salicylic acid, niacinamide, zinc gluconate, etc.
  • Mattifying: excess sebum creates an unsightly shine, to prevent this you can use mattifying cosmetics with active ingredients such as kaolin, bentonite…

In addition, the expert adds that you should always choose cosmetics, not comedogenic and fat-free (oil-free).

If you have recently had more breakouts from using the mask, take a look at this gallery and list the best products to combat this problem.

Source: Marie Claire

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