Extremely beautiful: the beauty secrets of modern witches

Extremely beautiful: the beauty secrets of modern witches

The same plot is often found in films, cartoons and fairy tales – a witch steals the beauty of the main character, and then, with the help of a magical ritual, silky hair and youth return again. It turns out that this happens not only in myths, but also in reality. Only modern witches give energy and femininity and do not take it away. We decided to find out what beauty secrets modern witches have and asked them about esoteric practices and beauty rituals.

For me, beauty is not just appearance, but also a state of mind. I construct self-care on two levels: mundane and magical.

In worldly care, I use modern aesthetic medicine methods, maintain my health, exercise and eat right. I also often go to cosmetology clinics.

Magical care – working and thinking with energies. Beauty is a certain vibration, the light that a person emits. The secrets of beauty are balance and inner peace. This is what helps me.

beauty rituals

Breathing practices. They relieve tension, help grounding and regaining strength.

Meditations. You can fill yourself with energy and bring yourself into a state of harmony.

Dew and rainwater. In the mornings, I wash my face with dew or rainwater collected on special occasions. This is not only cleansing, but also filling with natural energy.

Herbs. My herbalists collect plants on certain days and from certain places. I drink herbal teas, take baths with them, and make ice for my morning skin care routine.

Ritual with family. Every 29th lunar day I perform a ritual in which I address my family. Your ancestors will always be helpful if you treat them with respect. The stronger I am, the more energy they receive, and this ritual is our common bond. Staying healthy and beautiful is beneficial for your family.

Every woman can practice esoteric practices.

Morning ritual for protection and good luck

1. When you wake up, stretch, smile and greet the new day. Think of three things you want to do.

2. Without getting out of bed, lie on your back, fill your stomach with air, and take a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Breathe for a minute. It clears night dreams and old thoughts. Imagine how all the negativity comes out.

3. Light a natural candle and say:
“My angel, be with me. You are in front and I am behind you.”
Light a white or yellow candle, preferably a small one, so it has time to burn while you get ready.

4. Wash yourself with spring or holy water and say: “I wash myself with water, I call strength to myself.”

Evening cleansing ritual

1. Take a shower and apply salt (sea, rock or Thursday) to your body. At the same time, say: “Salt, remove all negativity, fears, and blockages from my body, mind, and soul.” Mentally imagine how the salt absorbs all the negativity you have collected throughout the day.

2. Wash off the salt by turning to water: “Mother Water, wash away all worries, diseases and fatigue from me. Fill me with strength and joy.”
You can read your own words about the conspiracy, the main thing is to believe them.

By combining magic and worldly care, you can stay healthy and beautiful both externally and internally for a long time.

Like every woman, I try to take care of myself and use modern, affordable care products. But I don’t make it a routine. If I’m not in the mood, I can skip the beauty steps.

The most important thing for me is a good cleanse and toner. I don’t always use creams and serums, but if I see my skin getting dry, I switch back to regular. I love cloth masks and patches for quick results when I need to go out.

The main secret of witches is that there are no secrets. We can’t do anything but stay beautiful. Any person who is in harmony with himself is beautiful in his own way. However, youth and beauty rituals need to be performed with some regularity.

Youth and beauty rituals

Trouble rituals for charm and beauty. This is a distortion of reality, a kind of magical influence applied to something or someone to hide and change real impressions. Obsession with attractiveness does not change a person’s appearance, but surrounds him with the necessary energy. People around you will see a woman with problems as beautiful.

Baths for beauty. I really like how herbal baths work. Magic baths are a cool and underrated method.

Yoga and meditation classes. This is the most affordable way to support youth and beauty.

Minerals. I recommend using minerals to increase the qualities and attractiveness you need. One of the most popular and versatile is rose quartz. I also recommend Morganite, it suits all zodiac signs and gives sparkle and self-confidence to the eyes. However, I recommend that you choose minerals individually according to your date of birth and wishes.

Magical perfumes, candles and powders. They help girls always be on top. It is best to buy these from reliable places. The situation is the same with talismans. To be useful, they must be selected and enabled for you.

My calling card is red lipstick. I take an RF lifting course once a year and get Botox injections. The main secret is feminine energy. If it is not there, no procedures will help. To keep this at a level, I recommend meditating during the waxing Moon and Full Moon.

Ritual with mirror

The simplest but most important thing is to buy a mirror. It accumulates energy so only you can take care of it. Then the energy of the Moon opens. During the growing moon, we collect water from a natural source (mineral or purified) into a completely transparent glass and place it on the windowsill. We look carefully in the mirror and put it in a glass. We leave it until the morning and pour the water into the soil in the morning. Glass can then be used. And admire yourself in the mirror regularly.

In this case, water works both as a cleaning material and as a conductor of the increasing energy of the Moon. And the mirror gives you the accumulated energy. This ritual helps to become more attractive to others physically and energetically.

Source: People Talk

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