Manual massage: what is it and what effect to expect?

Manual massage: what is it and what effect to expect?

Alesya Kafelnikova. Photo: social networks

Manual or hardware? It’s a question we always ask ourselves when booking a massage. To make it easier to choose next time, we talked with Krygina Studio beautician and esthetician Natalia Proteriadi about the differences between manual massage and machine massage and what effect to expect from each.

Natalia Proteriadi

What are the differences between manual massage and hardware massage?

The main difference between manual massage and hardware massage is that manual massage creates tactile contact with the client. Attachments and massagers are used to perform the procedure in the equipment room. Both types of massage should be chosen based on the recommendations of a beautician.

Unlike hardware procedures, manual massage solves a wider range of problems:

– fight against edema;

– correction of the oval of the face;

– elimination of gravitational ptosis and facial wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage massage solves the edema problem almost from the first procedure by starting the lymph outflow process. But it will be more effective to go through a course of procedures to consolidate the result.

What effect can you expect from a manual massage?

The effect directly depends on the qualifications of the beautician. A competent specialist will help eliminate the problem of gravitational ptosis, facial wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin and solve the problem of lymph stagnation with the help of manual massage. Additionally, our customers often share that manual massage helps relieve headaches and improve their health.

Photo: social networks

The main need that manual massage meets is the creation of a clear, oval face. Muscle atrophy occurs with age, and professional massage helps prevent it. With regular visits to a beautician, the muscles become in a stable tone and the contours of the face tighten.

Are there any contraindications?

Many of them have contraindications, so it is important to consult a specialist before starting the course. These include: any acute dermatological diseases, fragility of blood vessels, high blood pressure, massage after peeling.

Source: People Talk

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